Keynote Speaking &
Event Facilitation

inspiring • energizing • entertaining

Leadership Retreats
Strategy Meetings
Quarterly Team Updates
Keynote Speeches
Celebrations & Rallies
Annual Meetings
Custom Workshops

It’s a new year. You’re ready to bounce back and break records. 

A professional speaker and facilitator is WAY less than you probably think (see pricing chart below). You know the cost of gathering your top talent in a room for 6 hours to talk and plan, but what’s the ROI if that meeting misses its mark?

From creating custom workshops around your goals to facilitating the brainstorm session that will get your team out of the 2020 slump, this is my sweet spot. Let a 16-year pro take the weight off your shoulders. It’s an investment that allows you to actively participate with your team rather than stand at the front of the room with a sharpie and a flip chart, and reduce the separation between your role and their’s. And if you’re looking to wrap up the day with an inspiring presentation to make your team step boldly into its potential, I have that covered too. Keep reading.

Delivering impact. Sparking action.

Johnny Guidry, Life Coach, Career Coach, Spiritual Coach, Refractive Coaching, Refractive Podcast

My name is Johnny Guidry, Coach, Motivational Speaker, Facilitator, and Founder of Refractive. For years I was paid to drive corporate culture, design and facilitate workshops, emcee events, and inspire thousands of employees.

Motivational speaking is one of the most powerful services I offer. Refined over 16 years, my speaking style connects heart-to-heart with each person in the audience- from groups of 15 to 1500. As I share my story and scan the room, I watch for the *click* to happen behind the eyes of audience members: the moment where each person, one at a time, feels something resonate, feels a spark of emotion from inside. From that point, that spark passes from person to person and a lovely swell of emotion becomes a shared experience. People begin to recognize the beauty in their lives and realize that perhaps they’ve been asleep at the wheel in some areas. The audience feels guided to do better- to be better- because it just happens to be what they deserve. It’s a memorable, uplifting, and powerful experience that I would be honored to share with you.

Building a customized speech for your event follows the simple 3-step formula outlined below. My goal is to strongly engage the emotions of the audience – their hope, empathy, joy, love, compassion – in order to quiet the chatter in their minds. This “empty space” that’s left is filled by the clarity and courage to apply the inspirational messages to their own lives and know, sometimes for the first time in years, how powerful they really are.

As a facilitator myself, you often “study” how other professionals present, what words they choose, and overall command of the subject and room. Johnny has a great ability to tailor his delivery to his audience, and make the topic relevant and digestible. Many people can stand in front of a room and deliver information. Johnny owns the info and allows participants to take it in in a way that is relatable to them. That is the power of his communication style.

He is a value-add to anyone that would seek to secure his services.

Leo Campbell, Chief Guru

Career Guru Group

Keynote & Motivational Speaking


Beaten down. Bankrupt. Sick. Depressed. Addicted. Isolated. Desperate. Exhausted. That was my life in 2014.
But my story wasn't done.
It's still not. Neither is yours.

The pain was so overwhelming! I had gone from driving culture in enormous companies and soaking up the richness of the world to living on my mother’s floor, running to hide the mattress with each knock on the door. While the fall looked dramatic from the outside, in reality I had been struggling for 30 years. What had I gained from that struggle? Did I have anything to show for it? Where would I go from here?

One day, after just when I felt sure I would drown from the heaviness in my soul, everything changed.  A tiny woman with a squeaky voice and a wonderful heart, who happened to be my therapist, looked through my eyes, into to my soul and said: “You have such amazing light coming from you. The love inside you is very strong. It’s a beautiful shimmery pink!”

What did she see? Was she in her right mind? Who can say? I didn’t know it then, but her words unlocked in me a sleeping power. And with this power I stood up, looked around, breathed deeply for the first time in ages, and somehow knew I could leave the fog behind.

Johnny Guidry; Life Coach; Spiritual Coach; Career Coach

Keynote Excerpts

Full Signature Keynote

Excerpts of Signature Keynote